Targan helps feed the world by improving animal health. Innovation leaders in the life sciences space, this highly intelligent and capable team develops advanced targeting technologies to keep animals healthy and food production more sustainable. We created a brand strategy and logo that champions their important mission.

The Targan logo embodies the work they do in a simple and memorable way. Developing targeting technologies in the life sciences industry, Targan seeks to improve animal health, resulting in more food available throughout the world.
The new symbol represents the coming together of science and engineering. It communicates precision, transformation, trust, and experience. The individual square visually completes a cross hairs, representing their targeting technologies. A letter "T" can be seen, as well as the abstract form of a person—a reminder of their mission.

The more we view and discuss our new logo the stronger we understand the thought and process you used to truly represent who we are and where we plan to be many years from now.
—Jason Fryar, Targan, Inc.
—Jason Fryar, Targan, Inc.